Sunday, July 3, 2011

Free Diapers?? 30% OFF?!

Today, as usual, I was surfing the web looking for the best deals. (I mean what can I say? I'm a college student.) I happen to come across this YouTube video of this young couple who saves TONS of money with coupons. So, I went to go check them out. As I was searching, I then came across this video that stated "Free Diapers". Me being me, I clicked it. I was curious how to get this offer seeing how most of my family and friends were some how expecting around the same time.

Diapers could cost any where from $20-$50 a box, and here is this lady who says that she got her boxes for free. Free? What?! Yes. Free. She explained how she did it in this video below as well as the Amazon link to the page. She can tell you in detail exactly where to find the coupons to get the diapers for free.

If you are trying to save some money I would definitely recommend her blog. She--as well as her husband--is quite entertaining as well. Hope I helped! Let me know what you think! =)

Amazon Mom

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